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Silver Viewers

“Nestor” Psychogeriatric Association implemented the program “Silver Viewers” which was the creation and coordination of a cinema club for healthy elderly as well as the elderly with dementia and Alzheimer and their caregivers. It is an action that was realised within the framework of the program “Point of Support”(with the Tima Charitable Foundation, the Ioanni S. Latsi Charitable Foundations and the Philanthropic Organisation Hellenic Hope). Showings of films took place twice a week for the period between November 2015 - June 2016 with no charge for each viewing.


The aim was to promote healthy ageing through activity and activation, as well as their socialising, the maintenance and improvement of their disposition and cognitive function.

It was targeted at patients with Alzheimer and other forms of dementia and their caregivers. The patients would watch the film while at the same time the caregivers had the opportunity to discuss amongst themselves and to share their experiences regarding care, to socialise and to decompress from the stress related to constant care. The activation and participation of patients has a positive effect on maintaining their cognitive functions but also reducing behavioural disorders.

Fighting stigma was also an important aim of this initiative, as patients participated in an activity from their past which maybe was interrupted due to the illness, which was now adjusted to their needs and preferences. The participants had the opportunity, and were moved to, suggest films that they wished to view.

The viewing was followed by a short discussion, coordinated by an expert psychologist. It is noteworthy that a study will be completed on the influence of cinema on the psychology of the elderly, of patients and of their caregivers.
